
Posts Tagged ‘dork files’

I’ll give you three guesses:  Who may or may not have harvested a cayenne today and scolded her daughter about BEING SURE TO WASH HER HANDS after handling it, and proceeded to de-seed the cayenne and then take a quick run to the bathroom before finishing the meatloaf tonight and discovered that maybe she hadn’t washed her own hands well enough?  The person in question might or might not have wondered why her girly goods were on fire all of a sudden, and she might or might not have gone through several mental files of known maladies that could cause flaming nether regions before she remembered that she was an idiot.  It is possible that this person then rinsed with some diluted lavender oil and put on airier garments to allow cooling in the area, and later, after the skin between her fingers also began to melt off, she wondered if the meatloaf might end up being a little too spicy.

I hope you didn’t guess “J!” because I have no idea what you are talking about.

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